Quality & compliance reports can be tricky.
Documentation requirements in the behavioral health system vary between and, sometimes, within programs, requirements are constantly changing, and clinical/operations staff and technical staff often seem to be speaking different languages.
On top of all that, once you’ve defined all the rules, prepared your report, and published it, the process isn’t finished! That’s when you discover that there are even more rules or exceptions your organization needs to consider.
It’s enough to make anyone frustrated, yet it’s important work. Accurate and proactive quality and compliance reports improve staff morale, identify training and resource gaps, and prevent expensive paybacks for incomplete documentation.
So how can you remove the frustration and streamline this process for yourself and your team? We created a tool to help.
A Tool to Help
We wanted to assist our clients with this common issue, so we created the Quality & Compliance Report Development Tool. This tool is designed specifically for behavioral health clinical/operations staff working together with technical staff.
This tool has helped our clients reclaim hundreds of hours while improving the quality of their work.
We’re here to help our clients succeed, so if you’ve been struggling with your quality and compliance reports, you can download our tool for free here.
A sample worksheet is included in the Excel workbook. We also provided an overview and demonstration of the tool in a Pinnacle webinar, which you can find on the Pinnacle Health Informatics YouTube channel.
Other Tools for Your Organization
We know that many behavioral health providers lose valuable time designing reports each year. We hope to introduce a series of free tools to help behavioral health providers with designing reports.
Future tools will include tracking:
Routine, urgent, & emergent access to services.
Client engagement & attendance
Staff productivity & utilization of resources
Agency financial health & performance
Fidelity to evidence-based practices
Clinical outcomes
We also currently assist organizations with a variety of time-consuming aspects through our monthly webinars. Some of the topics we have covered are:
To gain access to future tools, information about live webinars with Q&As, and more valuable insight, join our monthly newsletter here.
Newsletter subscribers are the first to hear about these resources.
We appreciate suggestions from clients about common questions and pain points that could be solved through webinar demonstrations, tools, or other resources. Please let us know if you have any topic suggestions.
At Pinnacle, we wake up every day looking forward to new data challenges. Let us know how we can help you today!