Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence
Simple + Fast Reporting with a Data Warehouse
The Pinnacle Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence Platform is designed to address the key challenges your behavioral health agency deals with when you work on building or customizing Electronic Health Record reports.
Challenge #1: EHR Data is Complex
Electronic Health Record systems typically use a transactional database structure. These databases can have several thousands of tables, designed for collecting and storing detailed information to support scheduling, billing, and clinical documentation. Relational databases like this are very good at storing data, but in a “machine-friendly” format, rather than a “people-friendly” format.
Challenge #2: Aggregate Data Reporting is Slow
Aggregate reports that compare large amounts of data over time are necessary for operations, but relational databases are notoriously slow at processing large volumes of data.
Typical EHR Tables and Links
Finding the Meaning in Your Data
1. Pinnacle starts by loading data from Electronic Health Record systems & other sources into a Staging Database.
2. Next, the set of replicated tables are transformed by the Reporting Server into a people-friendly Reporting Database.
3. Finally, SQL Analysis Services aggregates the data into a set of OLAP Cubes, which pre-calculate fields for fast reports.
These processes run after hours so data is ready to
use at the start of each business day.
Take You Data Analysis to the Next Level
The Pinnacle Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Solution is designed to take your data analysis process to the next level. Advanced dashboards, scorecards, and other data visualization can be combined with drill-down functionality to seamlessly navigate from a birds-eye view of your organization to specific detailed information. We guarantee that you will be empowered to understand and use your data in ways you never imagined, just within the first month of working with us.
The Pinnacle Health Informatics Solution
Transforming Your Data using a Star Schema Model
In a Star Schema data warehouse, data is organized into two categories: facts and dimensions. The central table of the star schema contains facts. It is surrounded by related dimension tables.
• Facts are items that are measured – services, clients, duration, revenue PINNACLE HEALTH INFORMATICS
The Pinnacle Data Warehouse Process
• Dimensions are the descriptors or context that can be applied to facts – location, program, month, year, demographic categories
• When you arrange tables in this way, the model looks a little bit like a star:
The Star Schema makes data easier for report writers to understand (eliminating unnecessary complexity), and it makes it possible to build the OLAP Cubes (boosting speed).
For more information about this model of organizing data, check out The Kimball Group’s website:
The End Result
Ad-hoc queries and drag-and-drop analysis of large and complex datasets are suddenly easy to execute for anyone who can use basic Microsoft programs, using the Pinnacle solution